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Apple Pay

The Apple Pay button allows for quick payments using iPhone, Mac, and other Apple devices.

To make the button appear on the payment page, you need to activate the module in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Modules</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">Apple Pay</span>.

The button appears only when the payment page is opened on an Apple device with a saved payment method.


Since Apple Pay does not allow saving card details for future charges, the button will be hidden:

  • on payment pages with an installment option if the customer selects more than one installment payment;
  • on payment pages of the "subscription" type.

Unsuccessful payments with the name «Applepay Payer»

Apple Pay transmits the customer's name to us only after a successful payment. Pressing the Apple Pay button initiates the payment process, and a transaction appears with the name "Applepay Payer" and the status "Unpaid". The customer then confirms the payment on their device, Apple Pay processes it, and returns the customer's name to us, which we display instead of "Applepay Payer", while the transaction status changes to "Paid successfully".

However, if the payment was not confirmed on the device or was not approved by Apple Pay, the customer's name will remain "Applepay Payer", and we will not see the reason for the decline.

In cases where the customer proceeds to payment from your website and has entered their name at the checkout stage, we will display it instead of "Applepay Payer".

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VAT for payments from abroad

VAT 0% may apply to sales to foreign residents.

According to the law, a foreign resident is defined as an individual who permanently resides outside of Israel or a legal entity registered abroad.

When processing a payment, there is no reliable technical way to determine whether the payer is a foreign resident. Geolocation is unreliable, as an Israeli resident may be abroad at the time of payment.

Since the business is in direct contact with the customer to whom it sells goods or services and reports to the tax authorities, the business is responsible for correctly issuing the tax invoice.

Automatic application of VAT 0%

If a business wants VAT 0% to be automatically applied in invoices, a relatively good method is to rely on the country in which the payer’s card was issued (with the caveat that this method also has exceptions).

Therefore, Allpay provides a function to generate invoices with VAT 0% for payments made with foreign cards. However, for technical reasons, the system can only determine whether a payment was made with a foreign card after the transaction is completed.

Since the tax invoice (heshbonit mas/kabala) is generated after the actual payment, the system will indicate VAT 0% in the invoice, and the service cost will be equal to the final amount.


Payment with Israeli card:

Service — 100 NIS

VAT — 17 NIS

Total — 117 NIS

Payment with foreign card:

Service — 117 NIS


Total — 117 NIS

We recommend setting <span class="u-richtext-element">VAT included in price</span> in <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> → <span class="u-richtext-element">Company</span> and displaying prices with VAT already included. This will appear more natural to international customers.

VAT collection for foreign cards

If a business does not want to rely on determining foreign residency based on the card’s country, it is necessary to activate the checkbox <span class="u-richtext-element">Charge VAT on foreign cards</span> in <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> → <span class="u-richtext-element">Company</span>. This will apply VAT to foreign cards the same way as to Israeli cards.

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Hosted Fields: how to embed card input fields on a website

Hosted Fields allow you to embed card input fields into your website or application, fully adapting them to your system's design. They create a seamless interface experience and eliminate the need to redirect customers to an external payment page. This enables payments to be processed directly on your website or in your application, improving usability and conversion rates.

This feature is currently in development. Updates will be announced in the Telegram channel.

The input fields for the card number, expiration date, and CVC are essentially iFrames. We provide the ability to fully customize their CSS and embed them on your website as a single frame.

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Additional input fields on the payment page

You can request the customer's phone number, address, website, or other information by adding additional fields to the payment page.

This applies to payment links created through Allpay. If you are connected via the API, field setup is done on your website.

Adding input fields for payment links

1. Activating additional input fields  

Activate additional input fields in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> ➙ <span class="u-richtext-element">Payment Links</span> section.  

2. Adding fields  

When creating a payment link, click <span class="u-richtext-element">Advanced</span>, then <span class="u-richtext-element">Manage Fields</span>. Add the required fields and their names, then click "Save".

The added fields will be available for ALL payment links.

3. Activating fields

Activate the toggle for the fields you want to display on the payment page for THIS SPECIFIC payment link.

If the field is also marked as required, the customer will not be able to proceed with the payment without filling it in.

4. After payment

The information entered by the customer is displayed in the transaction details on the main payment page. It is also included in payment notifications sent to Telegram, your email, and the customer.  

Field name translation

For payment links in multiple languages, field names can be translated.

In the <span class="u-richtext-element">Manage Fields</span> section, switch the language using the language selection menu and add a translation for each field.

How to insert a link  

HTML tags are allowed in input field names: <span class="u-richtext-element">a</span> for links, <span class="u-richtext-element">b</span> for bold text, <span class="u-richtext-element">i</span> for italics, and <span class="u-richtext-element">span</span> for applying custom styles.  For example, to insert a link into the name of a checkbox field, the name should look as follows:

Agree with <a href="">the terms</a>  

The result will look as follows:

«Agree with <a href="">the terms</a>»

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API testing tools

To check requests for payment creation via API, two methods are available.

Allpay API Tester

With Allpay API Tester, you can perform requests for new payment, refund, create subscription, and other operations in both live and test modes, emulating requests from your server.

Simply insert the API login/key of any integration created in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> -> <span class="u-richtext-element">API Integrations</span> section, and fill out the form fields according to the API documentation.

If test mode is enabled for the integration, requests will be executed in the test environment.


Each transaction processed via the API has an <span class="u-richtext-element">API</span> tag on it. By clicking on the tag, you can view headers and body of the associated request and response.

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Teudat Zehut (Social ID number) on the payment page

Israeli citizens are required to enter their Teudat Zehut number, which is included in the payment receipt.

Since payments can come from outside Israel, as well as from tourists or Israeli residents without a Teudat Zehut, the payment page includes a checkbox labeled “I am not an Israeli citizen”, which hides the Teudat Zehut input field.

If the payment page is accessed from outside Israel, this checkbox is enabled by default.

Hiding the field for payment links

The Teudat Zehut input field and the “I am not an Israeli citizen” checkbox can be completely hidden from the payment page. This is useful for those accepting payments exclusively from abroad.

To enable this, go to <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">Payment Links</span> and activate the switch <span class="u-richtext-element">Hide Teudat Zehut input field</span>.

Make sure to consult your accountant before enabling this setting.

Hiding the field for API Payments

To pass the Teudat Zehut number or hide this field from the payment page, use the <span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> parameter as described in the API documentation.

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Test Mode

Test mode allows you to test payments without processing real transactions. This mode is typically used by developers during website development.

For API integrations

Test mode is activated separately for each integration in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">API Integrations</span> section.

The list of test cards is available in the API documentation.

For payment links

Test mode is also available for payment links created in the Allpay dashboard.

You can activate it in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">Payment Links</span> --> <span class="u-richtext-element">Test Mode</span>.

Once activated, all payment links will operate in test mode. Test cards are provided on the payment page.

Receipts are not generated in test mode. Don't forget to disable test mode to start accepting real payments.

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Passing parameters through the payment link URL

This feature allows you to manage the payment amount via URL, pass customer data filled out on your platform to the payment page, and control the customer's path after a successful payment.

First, you need to create a payment link in the Allpay dashboard and set its type to <span class="u-richtext-element">Customer indicates amount</span>.

You can add the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">amount</span> for the payment amount, <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span>, and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> for customer data to the payment link URL.

For example,

If the values for the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span> and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> are not specified, we will request them from the customer during payment.

This way, you can use a single payment link for all customers, specifying an individual amount for each of them.

Product name

The product or service name cannot be transmitted this way, as it creates opportunities for manipulation. For example, it could allow an altered or inappropriate product name to be automatically included in the receipt generated after payment.

Parameters lang and client_tehudat

<span class="u-richtext-element">lang</span> — language of the payment page. It is auto-detected by the customer's browser language, but you can control it by passing values AR (Arabic), EN (English), HE (Hebrew), or RU (Russian).

<span class="u-richtext-element">items</span> — name and quantity of the product. If not provided, the name specified when creating the payment link will be displayed. The ability to pass this parameter through the URL is currently under development.

<span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> — the Tehudat Zehut (Social ID number). This is included in the payment receipt. To hide this field from the page, pass nine zeros.

Parameter add_field

You can also use the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span>, the value of which will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after a successful payment (see the article Redirect after payment for how to set up the redirect URL).

For example,

In the example above, the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=any_text</span> will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after payment. This allows you to track conversions, direct the customer to the desired stage of your chatbot funnel, and perform other necessary actions after payment.

If needed, you can set the value of <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span> to a string with multiple parameters and parse them on your server side. For example, <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=par1-value1,par2-value2</span>.

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Creating payment forms

Using this approach and basic web development skills, you can create payment forms for placement on your website. These forms do not replace full capacity of our API but provide a simple and convenient solution for accepting payments.

You can allow customers to select product modifications or quantities, calculate the total based on selected options, and redirect the customer to proceed the payment.

Example in action:

You can view the source code for the forms used in the video at the following links:

Using ChatGPT, you can customize the functionality of the forms to suit your specific needs.

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Is there an additional fee for integrations?

No, any number of integrations is included in the plan's price.

Text Link

How can I find out all the costs I will incur?

Complete information is available on the Pricing page.

Text Link

Does your API support hosted fields?

Yes. Card input fields can be embedded into your website or app, fully adapting their design. Learn more about Hosted Fields.

Text Link

Do you have Apple Pay, Google Pay and Bit fast payment buttons?

We have Apple Pay and Bit. Google Pay coming in future.

Text Link

Is there an additional fee for payments via Bit and Apple Pay?

No, the commission for payments via Bit and Apple Pay is the same as for card payments.

Text Link

Are there any additional costs?

Here are the additional costs you can expect:

  1. Digital receipts are provided through a third-party service, costing from 17 ILS/month.
  2. The withdrawal fee (transferring funds to your bank account) for amounts below 5000 ILS is 17.43 ILS (including VAT). For withdrawals in dollars and euros, banks may charge a fee of around 30 USD.
Text Link

How often are withdrawals processed?

Payments for the month are processed on the 6th of the following month. Also we have option of weekly withdrawals. More information about withdrawals.

Text Link

Is there an additional fee for payment links?

No, payment links and site payment integration are our core services, included in the plan and available immediately after registration.

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Payments in ILS, USD and EUR without conversion and in any other currency with deposit in ILS.

Major card brands

Accepting payments with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover, JCB and Isracard.

Recurrent billing

Streamline recurring billing: automate customer card charges for subscriptions.


Integrate payments with online stores, CMS, and chatbots using a single Allpay account.