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Passing parameters through the payment link URL

This feature allows you to manage the payment amount via URL, pass customer data filled out on your platform to the payment page, and control the customer's path after a successful payment.

First, you need to create a payment link in the Allpay dashboard and set its type to <span class="u-richtext-element">Customer indicates amount</span>.

You can add the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">amount</span> for the payment amount, <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span>, and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> for customer data to the payment link URL.

For example,

If the values for the parameters <span class="u-richtext-element">client_name</span> and <span class="u-richtext-element">client_email</span> are not specified, we will request them from the customer during payment.

This way, you can use a single payment link for all customers, specifying an individual amount for each of them.

Product name

The product or service name cannot be transmitted this way, as it creates opportunities for manipulation. For example, it could allow an altered or inappropriate product name to be automatically included in the receipt generated after payment.

Parameters lang and client_tehudat

<span class="u-richtext-element">lang</span> — language of the payment page. It is auto-detected by the customer's browser language, but you can control it by passing values AR (Arabic), EN (English), HE (Hebrew), or RU (Russian).

<span class="u-richtext-element">items</span> — name and quantity of the product. If not provided, the name specified when creating the payment link will be displayed. The ability to pass this parameter through the URL is currently under development.

<span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> — the Tehudat Zehut (Social ID number). This is included in the payment receipt. To hide this field from the page, pass nine zeros.

Parameter add_field

You can also use the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span>, the value of which will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after a successful payment (see the article Redirect after payment for how to set up the redirect URL).

For example,

In the example above, the parameter <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=any_text</span> will be passed unchanged in the redirect URL after payment. This allows you to track conversions, direct the customer to the desired stage of your chatbot funnel, and perform other necessary actions after payment.

If needed, you can set the value of <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field</span> to a string with multiple parameters and parse them on your server side. For example, <span class="u-richtext-element">add_field=par1-value1,par2-value2</span>.

Video tutorial

Creating payment forms

Using this approach and basic web development skills, you can create payment forms for placement on your website. These forms do not replace full capacity of our API but provide a simple and convenient solution for accepting payments.

You can allow customers to select product modifications or quantities, calculate the total based on selected options, and redirect the customer to proceed the payment.

Example in action:

You can view the source code for the forms used in the video at the following links:

Using ChatGPT, you can customize the functionality of the forms to suit your specific needs.

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Payment links

3-D Secure

3DS is a technology that adds a layer of security to online payments by requiring the cardholder to confirm the payment in the bank's app or by entering a one-time SMS code.

It is used to protect against fraudulent transactions, helping businesses reduce risks of chargeback requests.

Connecting and configuring

You can activate 3DS and set the minimum payment amount from which it will be applied in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> ➙ <span class="u-richtext-element">Modules</span> ➙ <span class="u-richtext-element">3DS section.</span>

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How to install Allpay on iPhone

  1. Open this link in Safari: Allpay App
  2. Go to your browser's menu and select Add to Home Screen.
  3. Save it.
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How to let the customer indicate the payment amount

When creating a payment link, switch the selector from «I indicate the amount» to «Customer indicates amount» and provide the name of the product or service.

You can also add buttons with predefined amounts, allowing the payer to choose one or enter their own amount in the input field. To make one of the buttons preselected on the payment page, mark it with a star.

The payer will select the desired amount button or enter their own amount and proceed with the payment. The transaction will appear on the main payment screen like any other. еее

Passing the amount through a URL link

If you add <span class="u-richtext-element">?amount=AMOUNT</span> to the end of the URL link, the buttons and input fields will disappear, and the amount will be fixed.

For example,

This helps avoid creating multiple payment links for a single service with a frequently changing price. You only need to create one link and insert the required amount into its URL when sending it to the customer.

In the article "Passing parameters through the payment link URL" you can learn about other options of this feature.

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Teudat Zehut (Social ID number) on the payment page

Israeli citizens are required to provide their Teudat Zehut number during payment so that it can be included in the receipt.

Since payments can come not only from Israel but also from other countries, as well as from tourists or Israeli residents who do not have a Teudat Zehut, the payment page includes a checkbox labeled «I am not an Israeli citizen», which hides the Teudat Zehut input field.

If the payment page is accessed by a customer from outside Israel, this checkbox is enabled by default.

Hiding the Teudat Zehut field

The field and checkbox can be completely hidden from the payment page. This is useful for those who accept payments from abroad only.

To do this, go to <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> --><span class="u-richtext-element">Payment links</span> and enable the <span class="u-richtext-element">Hide Teudat Zehut input field</span> toggle.  

Before enabling this setting, be sure to consult with an accountant.

For developers

To pass the Teudat Zehut number or to hide this field from the payment page, use the <span class="u-richtext-element">client_tehudat</span> parameter according to the API documentation.

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Как использовать Allpay API Tester

С помощью Allpay API Tester вы можете совершать запросы на создание платежа, отмену платежа, создание подписки и другие, как в рабочей, так и в тестовой средах, как если бы эти запросы шли с вашего сайта.

Инструмент позволяет видеть JSON как самих запросов, так и возвращаемых ответов.

Достаточно вставить API логин/ключ любой интеграции, созданной в разделе Настройки -- Интеграции по API, и заполнять поля формы согласно документации API.

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Requirements for your website or business page

To accept online payments, you must have a website or a business page on a social network that provides information about your business.

Website Requirements

<span class="u-richtext-counter">1</span> The website content must clearly explain what you sell.

<span class="u-richtext-counter">2</span> Your website must include the following business contact details:

  • Phone number (or WhatsApp), 
  • Email address 
  • Physical address (city, street, and house number)

If your business does not have a physical address, provide the one listed in your business registration certificate (Ishur Osek Patur/Murshe).

<span class="u-richtext-counter">3</span> Include a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for selling products or providing services in English or Hebrew.

Privacy Policy template: ENG, HEB

Terms template (product sales): ENG, HEB

Terms template (service provision): ENG

These templates are examples. Allpay does not provide legal advice!

The website can be in any language and domain zone, but the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service must be in English or Hebrew.

<span class="u-richtext-counter">4</span> If your business requires licensing, display the relevant licenses and certificates on your website.

Social network page requirements

<span class="u-richtext-counter">1</span> The content must clearly indicate that the social network page is used for business purposes and specify the services or products offered.

<span class="u-richtext-counter">2</span> The page must include easily visible contact details:

  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Physical address (city, street, and house number).

If requirements are not met

Failure to meet these requirements may result in your request to process payments being denied.

Allpay, like any payment service in Israel, depends on an external regulator for issuing permissions. We do our best to help our clients obtain approval, but this is only possible with your cooperation.

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Recommendations for developing billing Interface to work with tokens

When designing a user account interface for managing tokens to charge a customer's card in line with your platform's pricing plan, it's essential to focus on user experience, transparency, and error handling.

Below are key recommendations to ensure an efficient and user-friendly interface:

Automate retries for failed charges

If a charge fails due to insufficient funds or other errors, automate the retry process to increase the likelihood of successful payment.

Recommended schedule: Attempt the charge up to 7 times, with a 1-day interval between each attempt.

If all attempts fail, terminate the rebilling process and notify the user.

Notify users about retries and allow them to top up their account or update their payment method before the next attempt.

Provide a manual retry option

Include a button that allows users to manually retry a failed payment.

This empowers users to resolve issues on their own after addressing payment failures (e.g., topping up their card).

Ensure the section with this button remains accessible, even during failed transactions.

Display refunds in transaction history

If a refund is processed, make sure it is clearly displayed in the transaction history.

Include details such as the refunded amount, reason for the refund, and the associated transaction.

It improves transparency and helps users easily track their financial activity.

Allow linking of multiple cards

Enable users to add a second card as a backup payment method.

Attempt to charge the primary card first. If it fails, automatically charge the backup card.

This reduces the likelihood of payment failures, ensuring uninterrupted service for the user.

Easy access to unsubscribe

Make the unsubscribe button visible and easy to find.

Do not automatically delete a user’s saved card unless explicitly requested. This allows users to easily return and reactivate their subscription without having to re-enter card details.

Clearly display plan and charge information

Provide detailed information about charges directly in the interface.

Show the base subscription cost, applicable taxes, fees, and any other components that make up the total charge.

This reduces confusion and prevents complaints by keeping the user fully informed.

Real-time notifications

Notify users via email or in-app messages for important events, such as failed charges, refunds, or subscription renewals.

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Is there an additional fee for integrations?

No, any number of integrations is included in the plan's price.

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Is there an additional fee for payments via Bit and Apple Pay?

No, the commission for payments via Bit and Apple Pay is the same as for card payments.

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Do you have Apple Pay, Google Pay and Bit button?

We have Bit. Apple Pay coming soon. Google Pay is planned.

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How can I find out all the costs I will incur?

Complete information is available on the Pricing page.

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Is there an additional fee for payment links?

No, payment links and site payment integration are our core services, included in the plan and available immediately after registration.

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What should I do if the required integration is not on the list?

Payment integration is typically handled by the platform. Reach out to the platform's support team and request integration with Allpay — we'll provide technical assistance. If the platform allows you to develop the integration yourself, contact us for support.

Text Link

Are there any additional costs?

Here are the additional costs you can expect:

  1. Digital receipts are provided through a third-party service, costing from 24 ILS/month.
  2. The withdrawal fee (transferring funds to your bank account) for amounts below 5000 ILS is 17.43 ILS (including VAT).
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Does Allpay only work as an app?

No, your customer won't need to install Allpay. They will access the payment page just like any other website page.

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Recurrent billing

Streamline recurring billing: automate customer card charges for subscriptions.

Bit button

The Bit button on the payment page for quick payment without additional fees.


Split the amount into monthly payments that will be deducted from the customer's card automatically (tashlumim).

Major card brands

Accepting payments with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, Discover, JCB and Isracard.