Requirements for your website or business page
To accept online payments, you must have a website or a business page on a social network that provides information about your business.
Website Requirements
<span class="u-richtext-counter">1</span> The website content must clearly explain what you sell.
<span class="u-richtext-counter">2</span> Your website must include the following business contact details:
- Phone number (or WhatsApp),
- Email address
- Physical address (city, street, and house number)
If your business does not have a physical address, provide the one listed in your business registration certificate (Ishur Osek Patur/Murshe).
<span class="u-richtext-counter">3</span> Include a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for selling products or providing services in English or Hebrew.
Privacy Policy template: ENG, HEB
Terms template (product sales): ENG, HEB
Terms template (service provision): ENG
These templates are examples. Allpay does not provide legal advice!
The website can be in any language and domain zone, but the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service must be in English or Hebrew.
<span class="u-richtext-counter">4</span> If your business requires licensing, display the relevant licenses and certificates on your website.
Social network page requirements
<span class="u-richtext-counter">1</span> The content must clearly indicate that the social network page is used for business purposes and specify the services or products offered.
<span class="u-richtext-counter">2</span> The page must include easily visible contact details:
- Phone number
- Email address
- Physical address (city, street, and house number).
If requirements are not met
Failure to meet these requirements may result in your request to process payments being denied.
Allpay, like any payment service in Israel, depends on an external regulator for issuing permissions. We do our best to help our clients obtain approval, but this is only possible with your cooperation.