Простое подключение

Платежные интеграции

Подключайте платежи к вашей любимой платформе с помощью готовых интеграций Allpay. Наши текстовые и видеоинструкции помогут настроить платежную систему без необходимости в технических навыках.
Allpay API integrations screen


Let us know, if the required integration is not on the list.
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Test mode

Test payments when setting up integration.

No restrictions

Any number of integrations on one Allpay account.


Step-by-step text and video setup guides.


What should I do if the required integration is not on the list?

Payment integration is typically handled by the platform. Reach out to the platform's support team and request integration with Allpay — we'll provide technical assistance. If the platform allows you to develop the integration yourself, contact us for support.

Is there an additional fee for integrations?

No, any number of integrations is included in the plan's price.

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