API testing tools
To check requests for payment creation via API, two methods are available.
Allpay API Tester
With Allpay API Tester, you can perform requests for new payment, refund, create subscription, and other operations in both live and test modes, emulating requests from your server.
Simply insert the API login/key of any integration created in the <span class="u-richtext-element">Settings</span> -> <span class="u-richtext-element">API Integrations</span> section, and fill out the form fields according to the API documentation.
If test mode is enabled for the integration, requests will be executed in the test environment.
Each transaction processed via the API has an <span class="u-richtext-element">API</span> tag on it. By clicking on the tag, you can view headers and body of the associated request and response.
Does your API support hosted fields?
No, but we can provide the option to customize the CSS of the iFrame and display only the card input fields. This allows you to fully adapt it to match your website's design.